Your individualized plan to ensure secure housing
happy caregiver showing a document to senior couple

Housing Stabilization Services is a Minnesota Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing. Our professionals can help you get access to the documentation needed for your eligibility. This way, you can acquire and remain in a home where you can live a fulfilling and healthy life. We can help you with the following:

  • Developing a housing-focused, person-centered plan based on assessment outcomes
  • Supporting the person in identifying their strengths, needs, and wants in housing, including cultural requirements and/or preferences
  • Supporting the person to make an informed choice in their housing transition or sustaining provider
  • Offering resource information for services that support non-housing related goals as identified in the person-centered planning process
  • Coordinating with other service providers currently working with the person
  • Helping the person understand their rights to privacy and appeal information
  • Annually updating the person-centered plan as it relates to housing

Feel free to contact us today if you want to know more about how we can help you.